For the third installment of the Kickstart Academy podcast we were pleased to have Liz Keogh join us — and Corey Haines returned to the panel for his second appearance.
We enjoyed having Sandi Metz on the panel for the last podcast so much that we hope to have a running theme of inviting the previous guest back to the following show – in a similar vein to BBC Radio 4’s Chain Reaction.
There is an audio version of this podcast available here.
Show Notes
- [0:01:39] Liz’s backstory
- [0:04:17] Define Cynefin - a sense making framework
- Simple/Obvious - children can solve it
- Requires expertise - watchmaker
- Complex - not predictable outcomes
- Chaos - accident and emergency
- [0:08:30] Software development approaches within the different cynefin domains
- Commoditised requirements vs Differentiating Requirements
- Chaos - Experiment / Spike / Probe
- Requires expertise - Analyze (e.g. BDD)
- Simple - off the shelf
- [0:12:25] Capabilities vs Goals
- Understanding the goal behind the capability
- Which stakeholders are getting the benefit?
- Tom Gilb - Evolutionary Project Management
- [0:16:31] Is BDD a design activity not required for obvious requirements? - Matt Wynne
- Analyze as simply as possible
- Name the scenarios
- Ask: is there anything different?
- [0:20:40] BDD: automation and regression testing
- How you set the context with “Given” doesn’t matter
- “When” is the actual behaviour your interested in
- [0:22:11] Liz’s scale for classifying capabilities
- 5 - nobody in the world has ever done it before
- 4 - somebody has done it before but not in this organisation
- 3 - somebody in this organisation has done it before, and we need their expertise
- 2 - somebody in the team has done it before
- 1 - we all know how to do it
- [0:23:05] When automated scenarios catch a regression bug it’s usually because of poor design
- Don’t just throw more scenarios at it find out why your getting the bugs
- Often because two capabilities are bleeding in to each other
- [0:25:51] Techniques for talking through capabilities with stakeholders
- Why are we doing this project?
- Who are we doing it for?
- Can you give me an example?
- What will you be able to do that you can’t do now?
- [0:30:44] Focusing on the outcome
- Chris Matts - Value Mapping
- Assign numbers from Liz’s scale to capabilities
- For 1s and 2s, “Choose the technology that’s easy to change” - Chris Matts
- [0:37:01] Applying BDD at the different levels
- When outcomes are uncertain, can lead to analysis paralysis
- Often an indicator of 4s and 5s
- So find a way to prototype/experiment
- Listen for the uncertainty
- Listen for the boredom
- [0:42:05] What is BDD?
- Not testing tools with BDD mode - “should” or “expect”
- “Using examples to illustrate behaviour” - Liz
- Let dev’s write the scenarios, and get feedback from the testers and experts
- Dan North’s definition true in 2009, maybe not 2010
- It’s not necessarily high-automation
- It’s still outside-in
- It’s still 2nd generation
- It’s still pull-based
- It’s still multiple-scale
- It’s still agile
- It’s still about getting feedback
- It’s still a cycle of interactions
- We now respect we can’t always get well defined outputs
- It still results in software that matters
- [0:49:01] Patterns for improving scenarios
- Just write down what people say
- Have the conversation
- Don’t try to make patterns fit existing steps
- Step away from the tools
- [0:53:14] How does having theses conversations about the system itself affect the minute-by-minute development process?
- Leads to more spikes and prototypes, and understanding why to do them?
- Less useful for large organisations where a lot of the work is governed by regulations
- Removes frustrations of things like 4-hour planning meetings
- [0:55:25] Can you use examples to identify and then test your assumptions?
- [0:57:45] Leveling capabilities
- Map out the capabilities
- Map the stakeholders - then understand the capailities they are looking for
- Try estimating them using relative sizes
- Find the capabilities that are new
- [1:00:33] Liz’s Fantasy Fiction
- The Silversong Child
- The Nightingale Throne
- High-level fantasy - a bit like Game of Thrones, with less killings and more magic
- [1:01:40] How do you guard against new adopters of BDD from just rewriting existing requirements with new words, e.g. should, then, describe, expect - Kerry Buckley